Big Lee Marvin Fan

Hosted by Kass Smiley

Listen to the latest episode.

A podcast dedicated to the life, career and filmography of one of Hollywood’s most illustrious tough guys, Lee Marvin.

Recent Episodes

  • 00 Big Lee Marvin Fan Podcast Preview

    All aboard the Ship of Fools as we set sail into the filmography of Lee Marvin

  • 01 Why We Love Lee Marvin

    The maiden voyage episode where we get all of the introductions out of the way, and I share some of my favorite Lee Marvin movies & moments just in time for the 37th anniversary of Lee's death

Meet the Host

Follow along with our host, Kass Smiley as she uncovers the gems and must-watch films hiding within the filmography of Lee Marvin.

Kass is a film fan, former Blockbuster Video employee(circa 1999)and general Movie Guy.

Kass is also a former Standup Comedian and co-produces the Alaska B4uDie Comedy Festival.